Google Pixel 8 Pro Introduces Body Temperature Tracking Feature

Google Pixel 8 Pro
Google has unveiled its latest additions to the Pixel lineup with the introduction of the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro, now available in a sleek Mint color option. However, it's the Pixel 8 Pro that's grabbing attention with its groundbreaking new functionality – the ability to track human body temperature.

In a recent Pixel Feature Drop, Google rolled out this much-anticipated bio-monitoring feature exclusively for the Pixel 8 Pro. This innovative capability allows users to monitor their body temperature conveniently and effectively.

What is Pixel 8 Pro Body Temperature Tracking?

In its ongoing quest to enhance user experience, Google has rolled out a groundbreaking bio-monitoring capability within the Pixel 8 Pro. This feature enables the device to measure human body temperature, marking a significant stride in smartphone technology. 

It's worth noting that Google labels this innovation as "medical-grade," hinting at its potential for serious health applications. While the specifics of official approval, such as FDA endorsement, remain undisclosed, this development holds promise for health-conscious individuals.

What is Pixel 8 Pro Body Temperature Tracking?

How Does it Work?

Through the Thermometer application included in the latest update, Pixel 8 Pro users can now conduct temperature scans conveniently. The process involves placing the device against the forehead to obtain a reading, which can then be saved to one's Fitbit profile for comprehensive health monitoring. 

Google assures users of the accuracy of these temperature readings, though validation against traditional thermometers is pending. Utilizing infrared radiation technology, the sensor can detect temperatures ranging from -20 to 200 degrees Celsius, showcasing its versatility across various conditions.

Important Considerations:

While the advent of body temperature tracking on smartphones is undoubtedly intriguing, it's crucial to approach this feature with discernment. Google emphasizes that while the Pixel 8 Pro's capabilities are impressive, it's not a substitute for traditional medical thermometers. As such, it's advisable to exercise caution and refrain from relying solely on smartphone readings for medical purposes.


In conclusion, the introduction of body temperature tracking to the Google Pixel 8 Pro represents a notable advancement in smartphone functionality. With its potential applications in health monitoring and wellness tracking, this feature underscores Google's commitment to innovation and user-centric design. 

However, users are reminded to temper their expectations and exercise prudence when interpreting smartphone-generated health data. As the landscape of mobile technology continues to evolve, it's exciting to witness how smartphones are increasingly integrating with aspects of daily life, including healthcare.