Motorola Announces Android 14 Update Plans: Is Your Phone on the List?

Android 14 has been making waves, and various smartphone manufacturers are gradually updating their devices to run on the latest operating system. While some companies have been swift in their efforts, Motorola has recently disclosed its update plans for Android 14. Although the timeline for these updates remains undisclosed, the company has compiled a list of devices slated to receive the upgrade. To simplify the process for users, the team at YTECHB has created an easy-to-follow list, ensuring users can quickly identify whether their Motorola device is on the upgrade roster.

Motorola Android 14 Upgrade List:

1. Motorola Razr Phones:

2. Motorola Edge Series Phones:

3. Motorola G Series Phones:

4. Others:
  • Motorola ThinkPhone

Details and Updates:

Motorola has taken the step to inform users about their Android 14 update plans by listing the specific devices scheduled for the upgrade. However, it's important to note that no specific rollout dates have been provided. The purpose of this list is to offer transparency and insight into the devices that will eventually run on Android 14.

Currently, the Moto G53 has already started receiving the Android 14 update, showcasing progress in the company's update rollout. Additionally, the Moto G54 is in beta testing, indicating that the update for other devices on the list might commence soon.

Users should keep in mind that Motorola may add more devices to this list in the future. If your phone is not on the current list, there is still hope for a future inclusion. This update provides users with a clearer understanding of what to anticipate, even without specific dates.


In summary, Motorola users can now refer to the compiled list to check if their device is among those slated for the Android 14 update. While the company has not disclosed rollout dates, this transparency offers users a sense of assurance regarding the eventual upgrade. The ongoing progress, with the Moto G53 already receiving the update and the Moto G54 in beta testing, hints at a comprehensive rollout in the near future. Stay tuned for further updates, and in the meantime, users can refer to this user-friendly list for quick reference.