Jio Phone Next: Price, Processor & More | Everything You Need To Know | Cheapest 4G Phone is Coming...
I wouldn't be too wrong, if i say that jio democratized internet access in india. Yes before jio was there we used to pay around 250-300 rupees per gb that rate came down to about 20-30 rupees per gb, and today we get one one and a half gb every day for a month. we are a country, where you get very very cheap internet access. and the reason for that, i will say is mostly because of jio, after jio came up with their internet services. they also launched jio phone. you know there are 70 million jio phones. these are feature phone, which are on kai os. of course they are 4g but reliance has managed to sell 70 million units of jio even more than that this number is about one and a half two years back. but i'll tell you what that made a huge change in the way, we access internet we consume internet in india. Reliance in the recent agm announced jio phone next, yes so from feature phone. They are moving to smartphone in fact, their partnership with google was being discussed for a long time and finally we know, what it is going to be it is going to be jio phone next before moving on to jio phone next. obviously i'm going to tell you everything about this new phone. as much as we know, but let me tell you there are still more than 300 million indians using feature phones in India. yes they are either on 2g or probably 3g. they are still not accessing internet, the way most of us do so the market is still huge for a ultra cheap smartphone or ultra cheap 4g smartphone. which gives internet at a higher speed and that is where jio phone next comes in okay. let me talk about specifications first, but even before specifications. there was an image that came out that was a boot screen, where it said jio for next powered by google or co-created with google.
So this phone has been bought to you by both google as well as jio. although it's not confirmed uh the display of this phone is going to be a hd display, and i am guessing it would be around 5 inch display phone. and because of google partnership, this is going to be on android 11 go edition. yes the lighter variant of android so it is not required too much of resources talking about the hardware. it is powered by qualcomm snapdragon 215. yes it is a two year old chipset but still a decent one. because it supports hd plus screen, yeah it's a quad core processor clocked at 1.3 gigahertz and most importantly it supports 4g volte dual 4g volt remember. this phone is going to be priced somewhere around 4000 rupees (3999) and if at all they come with bundled offers. it is going to cost even lesser remember, when it comes to jio phone they have different internet plans cheaper internet plans, and when it is clubbed with their yearly plans. or so the effective cost of jio phone really comes down and i think jio phone next is going to be no different even the price might be Rs 3999 the effective price. which you will get it should be around two thousand five hundred, three thousand and remember that is the price. where we buy feature phones and with 300 million people using feature phones. if they graduate to this jio phone next, it is going to make a huge huge difference and obviously this particular phone is going to come with some pre-installed apps. which are again go apps ‘’camera go’’ ‘’duo go’’. yes and this camera is going to go is going to come with some snapchat integration so you will have filters and all that so a lot of things. that are some of the basic things that your smartphone normal smartphone 10000-15000 rupee smartphone can do, even jio phone next will manage to do it and that's a big thing for someone who's carrying a feature phone to shift to this will be a big jump up. and because of deep google integration, they're going to be couple of advantages first. and foremost they're going to have multiple language support remember these people. who are going to graduate from feature phones to uh smartphones or on jio phone next they will obviously not be well versed with english, but if the language on the phone is local language it will help them acclimatize with the phone faster. and i think jio phone next will have that voice assistant is also expected to be on jio phone next text to speech will be there translation will be there so all these language tools will obviously help. these first-time smartphone users to use smartphones effectively all right. so when are you going to get jio phone next 10 September, yeah that is the day. it will launch and it will go on sale obviously. when jio phone came there were millions of people literally wanting to buy, it and the stocks were not so much. i don't know what is going to happen with jio phone next but yes September 10th is not far away. it's just 15-20 days. and we'll definitely know what jio phone next can do for us for the country for Indians. that's about jio phone next just wanted to let you know, what jio phone next is when it is launching, and how it is going to make a difference. you tell us in the comment section what do you think about jio phone next.