Apple in Talks with News Publishers for $50M AI Training Deals: Report



1. Apple is discussing deals with major publishers, seeking permission to use their news content for training its AI systems.

2. The tech giant has reportedly offered multiyear deals worth at least $50 million to license news archives from publishers like Condé Nast and NBC News.

3. Chinese agencies discourage staff from using Apple iPhones at work, part of a broader effort to reduce reliance on foreign technologies and promote local brands.

In recent weeks, tech giant Apple has initiated negotiations with prominent news and publishing organizations, exploring partnerships to leverage their content in the development of generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems, as reported by The New York Times on Friday.

According to sources familiar with the discussions, Apple has proposed multiyear agreements valued at a minimum of $50 million to secure licensing rights to the archives of news articles. 

Notable entities approached by Apple include Condé Nast, the publisher of Vogue and the New Yorker; NBC News; and IAC, the owner of People, the Daily Beast, and Better Homes and Gardens.

The reported negotiations suggest a strategic move by Apple to bolster its AI capabilities through access to diverse news content. However, reactions from some publishers indicate a degree of reservation towards Apple's overture.

As of now, Apple has not issued an official response to Reuters' request for comment on these developments.

Apple's Investment in Generative AI:

In a broader context, major players in the technology industry have been aggressively investing in generative AI technologies. Apple, known for its innovation in consumer electronics, has been incorporating generative AI to enhance the functionality of its latest gadgets.

The company recently unveiled new MacBook Pro and iMac computers, accompanied by three new chips to power them. These chips were explicitly highlighted as tools that can be utilized by artificial intelligence researchers. 

The intention is to address the limitations faced by AI developers, whose creations often contend with constraints related to the amount of data that can be accommodated in a computer's memory.

This move underscores Apple's commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements, acknowledging the pivotal role AI plays in the contemporary landscape.

Challenges and Lukewarm Responses:

While Apple's negotiations with publishers signal a bold step towards strengthening its AI capabilities, not all publishers seem equally enthusiastic. According to The New York Times report, some publishers approached by Apple have responded with reservation, indicating potential challenges in reaching mutually beneficial agreements.

This lukewarm reception may be attributed to concerns about the terms of the proposed deals or apprehensions regarding the impact on existing partnerships and business models. The evolving nature of the discussions emphasizes the intricacies involved in aligning the interests of tech giants and content creators.

China's Stance on Foreign Technologies:

In a separate context, China has been making efforts to reduce reliance on foreign technologies for over a decade. Recent reports suggest that various Chinese agencies and state-backed companies are discouraging employees from using Apple iPhones and other foreign devices at work. This initiative aligns with China's broader strategy of promoting domestic software and semiconductor chip manufacturing.

Several state-affiliated firms and government departments across at least eight provinces have reportedly instructed employees to opt for local brands. This move reflects China's ongoing commitment to fostering self-sufficiency in technology and reducing dependence on external entities.


In conclusion, Apple's foray into negotiations with publishers for AI training deals represents a significant development in the tech industry. The reported multiyear agreements, valued at over $50 million, underscore the growing importance of AI in shaping the future of technology.

While Apple aims to enhance its generative AI capabilities through access to diverse news content, the responses from publishers indicate potential challenges in navigating the terms of these agreements. Additionally, the broader context of China's efforts to reduce reliance on foreign technologies adds another layer to the evolving landscape of global tech dynamics.

As these negotiations progress, the tech community will be keenly observing the outcomes, anticipating the potential impact on AI advancements and the dynamics between technology companies and content creators. Apple's strategic moves in the AI domain and its engagement with publishers signal a continued commitment to innovation and adaptability in an ever-evolving technological landscape.