Fossil Ends Wear OS, Cancels Gen 7, and Launches Gen 6 Clearance Sale: Report

Fossil Smartwatches
  • Fossil stops using Wear OS for its smartwatches, including the anticipated Gen 7.
  • Fossil is offering over 50% off on Gen 6 watches, hinting at a big change in their lineup.
  • Fossil keeps quiet about the new software for its watches, leaving users and fans in suspense.

  • In a surprising turn of events, reports indicate that Fossil, a prominent player in the smartwatch market, is bidding farewell to Wear OS, the operating system that powered its earlier iterations. Multiple sources, including those close to Fossil or with insights from Fossil employees, reveal a significant shift in the brand's strategy. This move translates to the cancellation of the much-anticipated Fossil Gen 7 watch, leaving enthusiasts and tech-watchers intrigued.

    Fossil Stops Using Wear OS:

    1. The Absence of Fossil Gen 7:

    One of the conspicuous signs pointing towards Fossil's departure from Wear OS is the absence of the Fossil Gen 7 watch. With the usual summer release cycle passing without the unveiling of the anticipated device, speculations intensified. This void in Fossil's product lineup diverges from the brand's established pattern, raising questions about the direction the company is taking.

    2. Silent Rumor Mill:

    Adding to the mystery is the conspicuous silence surrounding Fossil Gen 7 in the rumor mill. Typically, tech enthusiasts and industry insiders are abuzz with speculations and leaks leading up to a product launch. However, this time, Fossil Gen 7 seems to have eluded the usual grapevine, contributing to the uncertainty surrounding Fossil's future endeavors.

    Changes and Clues in Recent Times:

    1. Two-Year Gap - Fossil Gen 6:

    The last Fossil Gen 6 watch hit the market two years ago, marking a significant time gap between releases. This departure from the brand's usual cadence raises eyebrows, prompting consumers and analysts alike to question the reasons behind this prolonged hiatus.

    2. Clearance Sale - Big Discounts on Fossil Gen 6 Watches:

    As a noteworthy signal of change, Fossil is currently running a substantial sale on its Fossil Gen 6 watches. The discount, exceeding 50% on the official Fossil website, suggests a strategic move to clear existing inventory. This begs the question: Is Fossil making room for a new generation of watches with a different operating system?

    Fossil's Silence on the Software Shift:

    Despite these apparent shifts, crucial details regarding Fossil's departure from Wear OS remain shrouded in mystery. The brand has yet to disclose the reasons behind this strategic move and the identity of the new operating system that will power its future smartwatches. This lack of information leaves consumers and tech enthusiasts eagerly awaiting official statements from Fossil.

    Decoding Fossil's Future: What's Next?

    1. Switching Software - What's Changing?

    The central enigma revolves around the choice of the new operating system that will steer Fossil's smartwatches into the future. Without official communication from Fossil, speculation abounds regarding potential alternatives. Will Fossil opt for an existing smartwatch platform or develop an in-house operating system?

    2. Why Fossil Changed Its Smartwatch Software?

    Understanding Fossil's motivations behind departing from Wear OS remains a puzzle. Whether it's a quest for enhanced performance, better integration with Fossil's unique features, or an industry-wide shift, clarity on these motives will provide valuable insights into the brand's strategic vision.

    3. The Impact on Users:

    For existing Fossil smartwatch users, this transition raises concerns about software updates, compatibility, and the overall user experience. Fossil will need to address these considerations to maintain trust and satisfaction among its user base.

    Fossil's Big Sale - Getting Ready for Something New:

    Fossil's substantial discount on the Fossil Gen 6 watch suggests a proactive approach to clearing inventory. This move aligns with the anticipation of a shift in the product lineup and, possibly, the introduction of a new generation of smartwatches with a different operating system.


    As Fossil navigates through this period of transition, users and industry observers eagerly await official announcements shedding light on the brand's strategic decisions. The departure from Wear OS marks a significant juncture for Fossil, opening up possibilities for innovation and a fresh approach to smartwatch technology.

    In the coming months, Fossil enthusiasts can expect revelations regarding the new operating system, the reasons driving this shift, and the implications for the overall smartwatch landscape. Fossil's journey into this uncharted territory will undoubtedly shape the future of its smartwatch offerings, adding an element of anticipation and curiosity to the evolving narrative of wearable technology.