Apple Vision Pro Set to Launch in the US on January 27

Apple's Vision Pro

  • Apple's Vision Pro arrives sooner than expected, hitting US markets on January 27.
  • Featuring advanced screen tech, promises vibrant visuals for gaming and movies.
  • Reports hint at a 2027 version, set to elevate brightness and redefine industry standards.

Apple is set to unveil its highly anticipated Vision Pro headset in the United States on January 27, marking an earlier release than initially expected. This groundbreaking device is poised to redefine consumer electronics trends, with reports suggesting an upgraded version in 2027 that could set new standards in the tech industry.

Display Technology:

The Apple Vision Pro features a silicon-based OLED screen (OLEDoS) with a unique "Color Filter (CF) + WOLED scheme." Developed in collaboration with Sony, a primary display supplier, this technology enhances color reproduction by directing white light through RGB color filters, promising users an exceptional visual experience marked by clarity, rich colors, and overall screen quality.

Notably, an undisclosed Chinese company serves as a secondary supplier, playing a crucial role in boosting production capacity to meet potential high demand.

Upcoming Upgrade:

Reports suggest that Apple is already planning an upgraded version of the Vision Pro headset in 2027. This iteration is expected to incorporate RGB OLEDoS technology, delivering higher brightness compared to the current WOLED+CF model. RGB OLEDoS generates light and color directly from RGB sub-pixels, eliminating the need for color filters and further enhancing the display's brightness.

Strategic Importance:

Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo from Tianfeng International emphasizes the strategic significance of Apple's Vision Pro headset in the 2024 product lineup. Kuo estimates that Apple aims to ship approximately 500,000 units this year, showcasing confidence in the product's potential market demand.

Kuo also speculates that a positive user response could elevate the Vision Pro to the status of the "next star product" in consumer electronics. This success may influence stock prices in the related supply chain and set a new standard for high-end electronic devices in the tech industry.

Technical Specifications:

The Vision Pro boasts a high-resolution display, surpassing 23 million pixels, driven by the M2 chip and an R1 chip for swift sensor data processing. Equipped with various sensors, including LiDAR, for precise user movement and surroundings tracking, the device offers a versatile experience for gaming, movie-watching, and augmented reality applications.

One standout feature is the ability to capture 3D photos and videos, immersing users in a truly interactive experience. With a starting price of $3,499, the Vision Pro positions itself as a premium offering in the market.


As Apple gears up to launch the Vision Pro, the tech industry anticipates a paradigm shift in consumer electronics. With advanced display technology, cutting-edge specifications, and the potential for future upgrades, the Vision Pro is poised to leave a lasting impact on the market. The positive reception of this innovative headset could indeed mark it as the "next star product," influencing industry standards and shaping the future of high-end electronic devices.
